Does Article Marketing Still Work?


Article marketing is a traffic/backlink-generating method which involves writing article related to your website and submitting them to various directories. Before submitting your article, you can typically write a short “author bio” towards the end of your content which includes a backlink to your website. These backlinks will not only generate direct traffic, but they’ll also help your website rank better in the search engines. Before you go blasting the article directories with hundreds of articles, there are a few things you should know first.

A couple years ago, article marketing was all about creating low-quality articles, spinning the articles, and then submitting them to hundreds or even thousands of directories across the web. With Google’s latest algorithm changes (Penguin and Panda), though, the article marketing game has changed. If you want to see positive results from your efforts, you have to focus on quality, not quantity. A good rule of thumb is to only write and submit only the highest quality articles which offer real value to the reader, and avoid spun articles like the plague.

In addition to writing and submitting articles, you may also be able to edit your author account to include another backlink to your website. Depending on the article directory you’re using, try editing your author profile to add another backlink. Anytime someone clicks on your author name, they’ll be taken to a page with your website’s backlink in it.

Need a little help finding quality article directories? Here’s a list of some of the highest quality, top-performing directories:


Some of these articles may have special terms and restrictions regarding your submissions. Read the author guidelines before submitting to ensure your articles are approved in a timely manner. No matter how “good” your articles are, some rejections can be expected when investing your time and energy into article marketing. is one of the more strict directions which frequently rejects articles for a number of reason. Thankfully, though, they will list a clean reason for the rejection so you can fix the problem and re-submit it for approval.

The key thing to remember when performing article marketing is to focus on quality over quantity. Instead of writing 10 mediocre articles, perhaps you can write just one or two articles of exceptional quality.

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