Boosting Your Backlinks

If gaining backlinks for your own site can boost its authority and page rank, it stands to reason that links to the back-linking site would boost that site’s authority as well. In fact, that’s precisely what happens.

By building links back to the sites that backlink you, you boost their authority. This in turn improves the quality of your backlinks, driving up your page rank. While it may seem counterproductive to publicize other sites in your niche, doing so ultimately rewards you.

The easiest way to boost your backlinks is to spread them on social media. You can make this do double duty by sharing the post or webpage where your link resides. This will publicize the content to readers who may not have already seen it, and it generates a fresh link on the Web to help boost the site’s search engine ranking.

Another way to boost the value of your backlinking sites is to refer to them in your other articles. If the sites that have linked to you in the past are authoritative, valuable resources, you can use them as references in your article marketing, blog posts and more. This can help boost the site’s rank and create a trickle-down effect that will improve your own search engine ranking as well.

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