How to Review a Site for Linking Potential?

When evaluating whether you want a link from a site, you can do a subjective review to help make the decision. Here are a series of steps to take. All are subjective, but they can provide guidance. It’s OK to continue even if a criteria isn’t met, but to note it. We are looking for overall potential we can compare to make a decision.

1. Is there genuine relevance between the page and the page you’re building links to? Yes? continue
2. Is it a previously unidentified competitor? No? continue
3. Is the text human generated? Yes? continue
4. Are there excessive, obtrusive ads? No? continue
5. What motivated the current links on the target URL? Obviously, Paid? No? continue.

6. Have recent posts, recent site updates, updated copyright date? Yes? continue.
7. At first pass, does the text look correct in grammar and spelling? Yes? continue.
8. What is the design and image quality? Acceptable? (doesn’t have to be pretty) continue.
9. How thorough and well-tended does the resources/links page seem? Well Maintained? continue.
10. Is there more than one link page? No? continue.

11. When was the last update? Recently? continue.
12. Is the site owner/moderator easily accessible by email or phone? Yes? continue.
13. Is there a comments box? Yes? continue.
14. What is the quality of comments and conversation there now? Good? No spam? continue.
15. Does it contain discussion related to your product or service? Yes? continue.

16. Is there an established community evident in comments or an adjunct forum? Yes? continue.
17. Are there Q/A forms on the site? Yes? continue.
18. Does it have strong content? Yes? continue.
19. Are there links out to other known influencers? Yes? continue.
20. Does the site contain written reviews? Yes? continue.

21. Email newsletter or other signs of reach and distribution. Yes? continue.
22. “In The News” section with quotes by major newspapers and industry publications. Yes? continue.

Have any other criteria you would like to share? Please let me know.

3 Responses so far.

  1. Theresa Williams says:

    it is working really well Thank you

  2. Kendall Thorson says:

    Great idea!

  3. Stephan Hawks says:

    Outstanding way to review a site for linking potential

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